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hollywood babylon

Description of the Game:-

Influenced by Kenneth Angers book of the same name and other references this game simulates the interaction that the quest for fame and celebrity brings between those that seek it and those that follow it.

And where else does the link between celebrity and the camera exist more than the centre of the city of angels and the film industry.

The obsession that many have for celebrity often has a much darker side and those Hollywood dreams don’t always go as planned.

From the days of silent film and Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle’s career destroying rape of the actress Virginia Rappe resulting her death to the shattered dreams of the young would be starlet Peggy Entwistle’s decision to suicide off the old Hollywood Hills sign, celebrity scandals and tragedies are a constant food source for camera cowboys out to make a buck through the gossip tabloids selling to a ghoulish public right up to the present day.

Basically a drinking game and not brain taxing each player plays the role of a rogue photo journalist whose ethical behaviour is often under question while walking the Boulevard of broken dreams moonlighting as paparazzi.

This is Hollywood Babylon.



To collect more money (clean or dirty) than your opponents within a set period of time agreed to by all players.


Description of Playing Parts:-

1. Playing Board.

There are forty playing spaces around the perimeter of the board and two card stack positions shown within the perimeter.



There are twenty four blank playing spaces and sixteen that require some form of action that will involve a money pick up or money return.

The centre playing space on each side of the board has a “Charlie Chaplin” image representing a $1,000 “clean money” pick up each time a player lands on it as payment for general photographic work.

Each side also has a “Hollywood Star” image playing space which works in conjunction with “clean money” cards that have both the Hollywood Star and Charlie Chaplin images on the back face. Players landing on this space pick up from the clean money card stack and respond to it.

Two sides have a playing space with a “movie reel” image and another two sides have a playing space with a “blood splatter” image that all work in conjunction with “dirty or blood money” cards that have both the movie reel and blood splatter images on the back face. Players landing on these spaces pick up from the blood money card stack and respond to it.


Two opposite corner playing spaces have a photographer image and work in conjunction with a laminated “photo shoot” form and marking pen. When landing on one of these spaces a player picks up the laminated form which has its own explanation written on it.


Two opposite corner playing spaces have the image of a gavel / plate and work in conjunction with a laminated “litigation” form and marking pen. When landing on one of these spaces a player picks up the laminated form which has its own explanation written on it.


2. Cards.

There are a total of one hundred playing cards of two types.

Fifty “clean money” cards.

The fifty Hollywood Star/Charlie Chaplin cards tell a Hollywood News story for major newspaper publishers and involve a dice throw for clean money when acting more in the role of a photo journalist.

Fifty “dirty/blood” money cards.

The fifty Film Reel/Blood Splatter cards tell more scandalous and ghoulish Hollywood stories for the gossip magazine publications and involve a dice throw for blood money when acting more in the role of a paparazzi photographer

3. Laminated Photo Shoot Form

There is one laminated photo shoot form to be used wiped clean and reused by all players on each occasion a player lands on the photo shoot space.

4. Laminated Litigation Form.

There is one laminated Litigation form to be used wiped clean and reused by all players on each occasion a player lands on the photo shoot space.

5. Money.

There are two types of money “clean” and “blood” in note values of $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000.

6. Dice

There are two 1 to 6 dice one “clean money white” and one “blood money red"

7. Pawns

There are six players’ pawns of six different colours and although described as a game for 3 to 6 players it is not restricted to that number.


To Play

Each player collects $20,000 ($10,000 white clean money and $10,000 red blood money) to begin.

Placing their pawns on any blank playing space and having decided an order of play continue clockwise around the board by throwing the white 1-6 dice.

After a predetermined time for play has expired players tally their monies to determine a winner.

Copyright Warren Piggott 1995

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